Prepare to be Radically Activated.

Join me, Jolene Evans, and become a part of a culture transcending the ordinary. This blog is for the seekers, the dreamers and those who dare to believe that there is more to life than what meets the eye. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of embracing our whole selves, forging sisterhood and living a life that echoes with the vibrancy of true liberation.

Jolene Evans Jolene Evans


Rupture seems to be my thing. Over and over again. Is it because I feel so deeply? Is it because I’m one of those really sensitive humans? I can be extremely turned on with life itself and vibrating so high and then bam! I’m angry, I’m crying, I’m confused, I’m sad and I’m lonely. And it hits me so quickly, so deeply and most of the time without warning.

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Acknowledge your shadow…

Liberate your light.